Gyan Lakshay NGO

NGO Details :

Name : Gyan Lakshay NGO


Promoter Name 1 : SANJAY KUMAR

Umbrella/Parent Organization : Bhawani Siksha Prasar Parishad

First Registration Details :

Unique Id of VO/NGO : DL/2009/0000407

Registered With : Registrar of Societies

Type of NGO : Society

Registration No : S/60344/2007

Date of Registration : 19-11-2007

Sector/ Key Issues :

Key Issues : Education & Literacy

Details of Achievements :

Major Activities/Achievements :

The Gyan Lakshay NGO‘s basic objective is provide education and welfare to the people. Gyan Lakshay NGO is a non-profit organization working towards the goodness of the society and culture. Gyan Lakshay NGO is trying to aware the general people that they could also help others to their goodness. This site is meant for the purpose of the awareness for the rural/urban development activities performed by our organization. The site also tells about the members of the organization.


1. To arrange / organize seminars, debates, conference and other programs for create awareness regarding National Integration, Anti-Terrorism, Education, Health & Family Welfare, Anti-Corruption, Conservation of Environment, Poverty alleviation, Human Exploitation, Fundamental Human Rights, Consumer Rights, Stock Market, Female Foeticide, Crime against Women, Anti Narcotic drugs & All Socio-Economic Issues Etc.

2. To undertake and organized teaching training, studies and research on socio economic issues as well as opening an institute of polytechnic/school/college for giving/imparting education in this regard to the students on concessional rate.

3. To raise literacy program (RLP) among weaker section by imparting basic knowledge of alphabet/numeric and teaching them simple basic mathematical operations.

4. To provide academic education, Training and Job Oriented Education in better environment and on very low expenditure.

5. To promote the vocational & computer education and provide hostels for SC, ST, & OBC.

6. To take over creative programs for youth welfare like education, employment, health & Indian culture, assistance for higher education and high standard of living.

7. To imbibing the value of National Integration.

8. To awareness regarding road safety and to organize the traffic training program for all age group.

9. To conduct health programs so that awareness for health can be created in women and organize camp with the help of health department for family welfare, mother and child care, immunizations, Polio, Aids, T.B., Cancer, Eye camp, and counseling centre etc.

10. To awareness against sex selection/Determination and female foeticide.

11. To observance of the small family norms and medical aids.

12. To create awareness against all kind of Narcotic drugs prohibition.

13. To eradicate the social evils, to help the abandon, lonely, handicapped, dumb, deaf, disable people, widow, orphan etc.

14. To provide free legal counseling and aids, to work for up-liftmen of the weaker section.

15. To provide economic aid for social & religious works.

16. To fight against the atrocities & to work for a caste-less society.

17. To develop interest in consumer rights like food adulteration, MRP, Manufacturing date, Weight and measuring goods, Quality of goods, packaging standard etc.

18. To conduct seminars, workshop on stock market for giving imparting education/information like equities, commodities, mutual funds, derrivaties or IPO’s etc.

19 To work for natural calamities like flood, brought, earthquake, cylone etc.

20. To generate self employment for under different scheme.

21. To look after the welfare and safeguard the interest of the people of India in all civic matters, such as security, water, electricity, roads, parks, plantation of tree and in respect of all other amenities which they as citizen of India, are entitled to enjoy.

22. To undertake such other lawful activities as are incidental and conductive to the furtherance of the above objectives of the society.

Contact Details :



State : Delhi

Telephone : 011-25281244

Mobile No : 9212200559

E-mail :

Website :