Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation

NGO Details :

Name : Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation

Chief Functionary : Prof A K Susheela Ashoka Fellow

Chairman : Padma Shri P K Dave

Secretary : Prof A K Susheela Ashoka Fellow

Treasurer : Prof S Ramachandaran

Umbrella/Parent Organization : Sonali Mahila Vikas Charitable Trust

First Registration Details :

Unique Id of VO/NGO : DL/2009/0005826

Registered With : Registrar of Societies

Type of NGO : Society

Registration No : S25232

City of Registration : Delhi

State of Registration : Delhi

Date of Registration : 29-12-1993

FCRA Details :

FCRA Registration no. : 231660013

Sector/ Key Issues :

Key Issues : Children, Drinking Water, Health & Family Welfare, Nutrition, Science & Technology, Water Resources

Operational Area-States :

Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal

Details of Achievements :

Major Activities/Achievements of Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation : Non-governmental Organization committed to Fluorosis Mitigation in the Country.The Foundation is Providing Fluorosis Diagnostic Services ,Extending expertise in prevention and control of Fluorosis, Providing assistance for hospitals to set-up infrastructure for Fluorosis diagnosis. Extending assistance in training hospital personnel on Fluorosis diagnostic procedures. Conducting updates on Fluorosis for teaching and clinical faculty of medical colleges. Foundation Conducts epidemiological surveys in Rural Indian villages to assess prevalence of Fluorosis. Tests 100% ground water sources for fluoride, for community to get safe water for consumption. Conducts Research in areas where there is need for scientific data. Has developed scientific data to support the view that excess ingestion of fluoride is one of the reasons for Anemia in pregnant mothers; resulting in low birth weight babies. Fluoride ingestion need to be controlled. Has developed scientific data that fluoride ingestion during pregnancy destroys the thyroid gland of the growing foetus resulting in low thyroid hormone levels. Infants and children develop mental retardation (low IQ) knock-knee, bow-leg and other disabilities. Has highlighted that Fluorosis and Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in children co-exist. Iodine supplementation alone will not help; fluoride source need to be eliminated first for recovery of the children from IDD, if iodized salt supplementation should yield beneficial results. The Foundation is in the process of revealing the reason for infant and children who are suffering from Rickets, but non-responsive to mega dose administration of calcium and vitamin D. Established the fact that fluoride ingestion destroys the stomach and intestinal lining, preventing absorption of nutrients drugs. The structural damage leads to a condition known as Non-ulcer dyspepsia. The complaints in patients due to Fluoride poisoning do not require any medicines; but withdrawal of fluoride source(s) and promotion of essential nutrients would lead to recovery within a fortnight.Developing packages on Fluorosis for Grass-root level functionaries, School teachers, Paramedical workers, Water Supply Engineers, Doctors, Scientific Community, Policy makers. A National Programme on Prevention and Control of Fluorosis :The Foundation was involved in developing a National Programme on Prevention and Control of Fluorosis. Planning Commission approved a National Programme (the 13th disease) in the 11th Five Year Plan Period which is operational now. Providing Technical Expertise for a project on Fluorosis Mitigation in Tamil Nadu Government to deal with 2.9 million population. Supported by Funds from Japan Bank for International Co-operation. Provides Technical Assistance to Industrial houses for health monitoring of workers from developing Industrial Fluorosis. The Foundation is a National and Global Consultation Centre for Fluorosis. The Foundation during 1998 October, addressed the Members of Parliament and Lords of the House of Commons on all aspects of Fluoride poisoning on Human Health on an invitation from Britain.The Foundation during 2008 November addressed on the subject Harmful effects of fluoride on human health for(1)Lawyers (2)Civil Society (3)Dentists, (4)Teachers of various Associations in Tokyo on an invitation from Japan,for those who are opposing a Bill in the Japanese Parliament DIET, promoting fluoride mouth rinse for school children

Contact Details :

Address : Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation c/o Prof.(Dr.) A.K. Susheela Executive Director Fluorosis Research and Rural Development Foundation B-1 Saransh,34 I.P.Extension Delhi – 110092 [codepeople-post-map]

City : Delhi

State : Delhi

Telephone : 011-22731866

E-mail : frnrdf@gmail.com

Website Url : http://www.fluorideandfluorosis.com

Fax : 011-22725156