All India Educational and Welfare Trust

NGO Details :

Name : All India Educational and Welfare Trust

Chief Functionary : Ram Sharma

Chairman : Ram Sharma

Umbrella/Parent Organization : All India Educational and Welfare Trust

Contact Details :

Telephone : 01892-224454

Mobile No : 09318799901

E-mail :

Website Url :

Address : All India Educational and Welfare Trust, Infoage Corporation, Gurudwara road, Dharamshala, Kangra ,HP, India 176215 [codepeople-post-map]

City : Dharamshala

State : Himachal Pradesh

Sector/ Key Issues :

Children, Education & Literacy, Environment & Forests, Health & Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Housing, Human Rights, Information & Communication Technology, Legal Awareness & Aid, Labour & Employment, Micro Finance (SHGs), Panchayati Raj, Right to Information & Advocacy, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Science & Technology, Tourism, Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, Vocational Training, Women’s Development & Empowerment, Youth Affairs

Operational Area-States :

Himachal Pradesh

Operational Area-District :

Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Lahaul & Spiti, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan, Una

Details of Achievements :

All India Educational and Welfare Trust have been working to educate the society and creating awareness about the importance of education, health, environment and social issues in the area since 2009. AIEWT works towards the betterment of the lives of the poor children and try to improve the standards of life. The main area of work is Khaniyara, Yolcant, Meclodgunj in Himachal Pradesh.We are also working in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula in Slum areas. Covers an area which face the social problems related to women like dowry, domestic violence, women’s rights, their health and nutrient status etc.

All India Educational and Trust is an NGO in India that is working towards education of the poor children and the slum children.This NGO is one among them that is an educational NGO that tries to educate as many children as possible who live in the slums. As education is the basic right of every child, they offer free education to children who are not able to afford to go to school.All India Education and welfare programmes are carried out by trained and dedicated community based staff. This NGO follows a unique method of educating the poor children that would help them in applying their educational knowledge to create something new and big that would financially support them.

This NGO in India offers free education in India to those poor children who are incapable of going to school. They care for the poor children and develop many slum education programs that would benefit the poor children who live in the slums. Every organization that does social service in India has its own aim and target to be achieved. They even generated many programs for the public through which they would be able to support poor children who cannot afford to study. In India social service oriented people are many but they do not know about the right way through which they would be able to reach the needy.

Handicraft represents a regions traditional art heritage and legacy of customary craft, skills, Metal ware, pottery, sculping ,textiles, stone craft, jewelry and much more Indians rich cultural ethnicity has made Indian handicraft products a rage in the national and international market. We believe that access to knowledge is the basis of safeguarding the craft of trust of the knowledge and practice of the traditional handicraft, textile, folk arts and the bearers and practitioners of these oral knowledge systems. Launched on 9 April 2009. This craft of trust is an initiative of the craft revival trust a not- for –profit, non-government organization. The constantly expanding encyclopedia is a work-in progress . it features information on the makes , the techniques, processes and vocabulary of the handicraft items.

All India Educational and Welfare Trust has plan to develop HP tourism industry plan to design more than 5000 web sites (want HP online on route level ), in this direction more than 60 websites has been launched successfully, and still working for to achieve the target. Helping students to develop their career as web programmer by only charging internet charges only. This is one year program and All India Educational and Welfare Trust have more than 20 students, we are working on with the name of Infoage Technologies … Also running a project with the name of “Gyan Ganga” called (National Information Technology literacy mission) we already developed three center of Gyan Ganga for poor students, who also disserve better education and future as like our children. and also working with many other projects…

First Registration Details :

Unique Id of VO/NGO : HP/2009/0020438

Registered With : Sub-Registrar

Type of NGO : Trust

Registration No : 314/2009

City of Registration : Dharamshala Distt kangra

State of Registration : Himachal Pradesh

Date of Registration : 10-04-2009